Wednesday 27 November 2013

The Asylum & Charity

Good morning to you kind sirs and madams, it’s been a week since the last post and quite a lot has happened, most important of those being Sarah returned from the ashram a week early. I can’t say I’m surprised. A week earlier I had travelled with her up to give the place the once over and pay for the course. There was something which just didn’t feel right.

The place was very impressive, a monumental gateway stood at the entrance and looked out over a lake. It was part of a multinational organisation with centres amongst others in France and the Caribbean, so no small concern. We entered the grounds and were directed to the reception, it was cool and quiet and yet for me had a strange feel. There were a few course participants and staff milling around and it felt – strange. A forced silence rather than the natural calm I sometimes get when entering holy places. At the time I wasn’t sure if I was projecting my own feelings regarding organised religion and amateur night psychobabble onto the place or I was subconsciously picking up on an “atmosphere” which had resonances with a bad experience I’d had of a poorly arranged Tavistock Group.  There were pictures on the walls of various course intakes, groups of between a dozen and twenty folk all in matching t-shirts all with the forced smile you get on team photos. Other signs were up one which gave the dress code, no above the knee shorts, nothing revealing or “immodest” and directions to the “boutique” where you could buy “appropriate clothing”, signs re: handing in your mobile, there was nothing specifically for me to dislike about the place but collectively it felt “wrong”.

Sarah had decided she wanted to do the Ayurvedic health and medicine course, it covered the principles of ayurveda and massage. The programme was to be an intensive two weeks, starting at 5:30 every morning and the days filled until 10 p.m. A mixture of formal lessons, reading, homework, meditation and yoga. The first solid thing which made me twitch was the fact that they wanted us to pay by visa, of itself not a bad thing as it gives a degree of protection, but the payment was to be made via the web to a corporate headquarters in Canada. There are many reasons why a company might want this to be how they do business but I wondered if it was more to do with extracting profit from the business in India where there are strict rules on how much money can be taken out of the country rather than providing an easy reassuring means of payment. We insisted on paying in cash in rupees, interestingly for a business in India they had to check on the exchange rate before confirming the price. Imagine going into ASDA, part of an American company and when you get to the checkout being told they need to check on the dollar exchange rate before they could give you your bill, I think you’d draw your own conclusions about where the money was going to end up.

A week later Sarah headed off to the Ashram and was left to fend for myself, a week I filled with watching England get slaughtered in the first test match and movies on cable TV. I was going to be fine, it was Sarah I was worried for.

During the week we spoke little on the phone, the reception was poor even by Indian standards and the programme filled days didn’t help. On Saturday, at the end of the first week I had a call from Sarah obviously distressed saying she was coming home early. But she had been told she would have to wait until the Director gave his approval. (This was actually the final straw and confirmed to her that she had made the right decision to leave). I told her to tell them that illegal detention was a serious matter and if she wasn’t back in Kovalam in 90 minutes my next call would be to the Police and then the British Embassy. My threat was unnecessary as she sorted it herself, not without having to counter further attempts at controlling her, she rang an hour later to say she was in the taxi on her way.

Once home Sarah recounted tales of a parental, controlling system, and how she had been made to feel that failure to comply with the ridiculous was failure on her part. Sarah has learnt a lot from the ashram, some things about massage, some things about Ayurvedic treatment, but most of all to trust her own judgement. In the past she admits would have just gone along with all the crap to get along with folk. Not now, the Sarah I adore knows who and what she is, I am very proud of her. She went, literally bought the T-shirt, wore it and then told them they could keep it.

It’s not the self-assured, grounded individuals who now give me concern but  the vulnerable, lost and confused who often attend this kind of environment in the hope of “finding themselves”.

We spent the next few days relaxing on the beach, swimming, and enjoying being together.


The inequities of life here are immense, true India is beginning to build a “middle class” and literacy rates amongst the young are much better than in some other parts of the world but choices for the very poor are crushingly limited. We see examples of it every day, in the cities it hits you hardest. When you first get here looking through western eyes it’s easy to be over whelmed, the road side shacks, the slums, the homeless, the beggars, cries of “one rupee, one rupee!”. It would be surprising if you didn’t want to help, to do…. Something! But what? Are you giving that 5 rupee coin to the unfortunate in front of you or to a beggar master? Is the charity a real organisation or a scam? It’s hard to tell and in a two week stay and there is no way you can know for certain.

For some this leads to a sort of paralysis, fear of being taken for a mug and the intensity of it all makes them withdraw into their 5 star hotels, sit on the “Diana Bench”, cruise the backwaters in a luxury rice boat and to shut out the reality of day to day Indian life, it’s just too much. So if this is how you think you will react should you make your donation to Oxfam and just go somewhere else?

Definitely not. Even in your air-conned room you are supporting some of the poorest folk here. For you to be here your hotel was built and is being maintained, your sheets are being washed, your food prepared, your pool cleaned, your taxi or tuk-tuk driven, your sunbed tended to, local shops and businesses feel the benefit of the trickle down of hard cash, and even your rubbish is being recycled. In some ways it’s the best form of charity, it rewards enterprise and is sustainable. True the rich take more than their share but they also spend at least some of that cash. You can however maximise the impact of your contribution by as one beach boy hiring sunbeds calls it “spreading the love”, don’t just eat in the hotel use local businesses small and large, buy in different shops, reward good service and drive up quality. It’s a painless way to spread your “donations”.

N.B. What I’m definitely NOT saying is you should pay too much for goods or services out of guilt or by applying western prices to what you buy. This creates expectation inflation for the locals as well as tourists which helps no one, try to think in rupees rather than in how much it costs in pounds or euros. Also if you haven’t had the service you require tell them kindly, that way they can improve and get more business in the future.

But what if you want to directly target your money at the poorest or most disadvantaged? Just relying on “Trickle down” is at best a random and uncertain process, the money could just as well be being spent on gold.

Side Note- Gold is an Indian fixation, in an uncertain world it has intrinsic value and cultural importance but it siphons money out of the economy locking it up and preventing that money being invested in growth, it’s a real problem here.

As a first port of call talk to the expat community, but be careful and make sure they really know what they are talking about. Visit the charity concerned and don’t just listen to the sales pitch, listen with your eyes, see what they are doing. Are they busy? Do they have a Facebook page (some will), search for them on the web, look to see what others have said. Are they associated with a particular religion? If so you may be disenfranchising some of the poorest folk. (We visited a Childrens’ Home attached to a church once, the kids slept 15 in a room on bare earth floor, next-door there was an impressive brand new Evangelical Church. The children, performed Christmas carols for us, the only songs they had been taught, it felt like the organ grinder had produced his troop of performing monkeys and was rattling his tin. We gave the children some sweets and pens and left).

Beware of charities proposing western solutions to third world “problems”.

First question to ask is Is this a real problem or just different? I think this can be a real issue for those with limited experience of life, as an illustration I’ll use gap year students traveling for the first time in India, though the thinking isn’t limited to them. In the main (and please excuse the stereotyping, its for illustrative purposes only) by Indian standards they have come from an extremely privileged background, just the flight to get here will have cost much more money than many Indian families will earn in a year. They are well educated, want to help and… are innocents.  All they have really known is school/university in a western society and they find themselves in a place which is similar but alien where they are exposed to serious poverty for the first time. They want, they NEED to help. They see “problems” everywhere and they know how to make things right, after all they have spent their entire lives “solving problems” and “answering questions” with the “right answer”. Obviously they are the people to “fix” all India’s woes.  Grey is not a colour they recognise.

I had an interesting conversation with my younger daughter Chloe a couple of weeks ago, she spent much of the summer living in a Delhi slum and visited Mumbai  as part of her course on social anthropology. On her return what she found interesting was a lecture back in the UK where Mumbai’s airport slum was discussed and the reaction of her fellow students. They were appalled and thought everyone was trying to get out and the answer was to dismantle the slum and rehouse everyone. Chloe was equally appalled, but at their lack of understanding of the reality of a working successful community working to survive live and love against the odds. Not that there weren’t ways lives could be improved but the western solution, bring in the bulldozers just was so wrong. (Incidentally this approach has been tried in India – it was as you would expect a disaster).

There are lots of “problems” here but lack of access to choice and opportunity, be that from birth, lack of education, sexual inequality, caste, religion, education I could go on and on, is the killer. To improve things increasing access to those opportunities and choices is key. If you are looking for somewhere to invest your donation I strongly suggest you focus your money on charities trying to do just that, in whatever way works wherever they are. 


Tuesday 19 November 2013

What day is it? Does it make any difference?


After 5 weeks in India i have reached the point where I don't know what day or date it is and no idea what's going on in the outside world. I also have no idea what's happening in Strictly, X Factor or any of the soaps. If admitted to hospital I would probably be diagnosed as borderline demented. The only regular clue I get is the calendar day stamps on my blood pressure tablet which I take first thing. Does it worry me? Not one bit, the sun rises in the morning, I get up and have my coffee, I pootle about a bit, it gets hot, I have a read and a kip, then in the evening it gets dark and when i'm tired i go to bed.

Here there's no such thing as a weekend to frame the working week, it seems a very foreign construct. I know Indian government departments and big corporations adhere to the 5 day working week but in day to day life it has little effect. Shops are open or they are closed, its all rather random, there are so many different religions here "Sunday" can be any day, Bank Holidays are as likely to be mid week as on a Monday and reflect the ethnic diversity, Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh, all are celebrated. It does on occasion get confusing but as I said the sun still rises and sets, folks spend time with their families, washing gets done, shopping happens, people go to work, find time to go to the beach, sleep, exercise, etc. Ah! I can hear some of you say what about "work-life balance", where is the "quality time" I could never cope with this chaotic approach.

True, folk work long hours here but here's a few things to ponder upon. When you get home from your working day or at weekends do you always totally forget about work? Is your conversation about what happened today and what's going to happen tomorrow? Do you ever just "dip in" to your work emails "to get ahead of the game"? When watching the news do you pay attention to the bits about (in my case) Healthcare? Are many of your Facebook friends colleagues? Do you socialize with people you work with? Just how much of your physical and mental energy and time is work taking out of your life, insidious isn't it? And if you actually love the job... its worse. You may have much (and i do mean MUCH)  better working conditions than folk here but are you still in a cage, granted a guided cage one which you have collaborated in building but still a cage. I know I was.

We all live in our own little realities inside our heads...

NOTE FROM EGO - "No we don't I live in the REAL world"

Do you? That's nice, how's it working out for you? Firstly define REAL. You experience and interpret the world around you through the filters of your own emotions, experience and knowledge i.e we live in the past.

Side note - Did you ever think about the fact nothing you experience is in real time, its already happened. What you see has traveled to you at the speed of light to your eye, its then converted to electrical impulses and conveyed to your visual center in the brain, decoded and passed on for recognition and finally interpretation. Its only "fast" because you have never experienced anything faster. e.g. ADSL broadband was amazingly quick going from dial up - now with fibre it seems to take an age, you only know what you have experienced, "directly" or via others. In evolutionary terms we have evolved to think as fast as we needed to to survive, so it conveyed an advantage, some creatures react much faster than you or I could because they need to. So if someone tells you you are living in the past... they are right, we all are.

As I was saying, we all live caged in our own little worlds, sometimes, not all the time, that would be mad making, its a good idea to challenge those realities. Travel, at its best, does that for you. Go on, bend a few bars.

Happy Hump Day

Sunday 17 November 2013

Food, How to avoid Mysore Arse and related stuff

Its a bit overcast here today, Sarah is at the asylum  ashram so I've decided to knock out my guide to eating and staying well while in India.

Everyone has to eat, OK some more than others and some make it the reason to live but we all have to eat. For many of you coming to India the food is one of the main attractions, I know it was for me. Firstly lets get some of the myths out of the way.

You will get food poisoning

Rubbish, follow the simple guidelines i'll give below and you are not much more likely to get food poisoning in India than back at home. You will have a "change of bowel habits" though, its inevitable. In India you are likely to have had your five-a- day fruit and veg by the end of breakfast, most of the food is unprocessed and high in fibre, you will be spending time in a hot climate and have variable hydration, you will probably drink more fruit juices in your time here than in the rest of the year. Basically your gut will have to work harder than its ever done just to shift the food around, coupled with the tendency to over order and over eat on holiday it would be amazing if your tum didn't indicate its displeasure. And I haven't even started on the impact of large quantities of onion, garlic, chili, ginger and coriander on your spice naive system. So how to cope and still enjoy some of the best food around? Here's my advice based on being here for at least 2x3 weeks per year for the last six years, eating in 5 star hotels and roadside shacks, from Hard Rock Cafe in Bangalore to the Kerala Cafe here in Kovalam via the Palaces in Mysore.

International Hotels are safer to eat in than road side shacks

One of the biggest myths around is if you are paying more for your food in a large hotel its safer than street food and hotels perpetuate this with scare stories of veg washed in ditch water and "unclean" cooks. Well they would wouldn't they? From experience the International Buffet so beloved of hotels is the one to avoid, you have no idea when it was all cooked, how long it has sat in those heated serving dishes and who or what has dipped into them before you get your turn. It may be true all the veg in these places is washed in the finest filtered mineral water, but i doubt it no one washes spuds in mineral water, its expensive and you are going to boil them for 30 mins or heat them up to buggery in hot oil anyway, its how fresh was it in the first place, when it was cooked, what its cooked in and served with that counts. Salads and fruit are different, you want them rinsed well in clean water, if you aren't sure, avoid and this is true everywhere. 

Some of the best and tastiest food I have eaten has been in small family restaurants. Spotting them can be fun, basic tips are look for the number of indians eating there (think Chippy, if there were two chip shops side by side one with a queue out the door and the other empty which one would you buy from?), also look for Meals Ready signs. Meals Ready means just that, they cook a meal from whats good and available and make a batch, when its gone its gone. You will be unlikely to have a choice buts that's the fun and will discover new things you didn't even know existed yet alone that you liked.  A note of caution here, don't drink the water that will come with the meal, ask for bottled water or canned drinks and check the seal isn't broken. (note - when you have drunk your bottle of water crush it, most bottled water tells you to do just that on the label). Thali meals are always good value, contents are variable but in general you will get a large portion of rice (here in kerala it will probably be whole grain matta rice, much better than the white rubbish in tourist restaurants, it actually tastes of something in its own right) a thin lentil and veg curry usually poured over the rice, curd (that's yogurt to you and me) a couple of other thicker veg/lentil curries/chutneys, a coconut sambal a popodum and a pickle or two. For fish or meat thali's there will be a small piece of chicken, occasionally mutton aka goat or fish accordingly. Order a chipati to go with it (this will also be your cutlery). Before you start ask if there is somewhere you can wash your hands (there will be, it might just be a bucket and a beaker but use it) then wash them again with antiseptic gel. Enjoy.

I like my curries "Indian Spicy"

Indian spicy is a term used by waiters to mean fully chili loaded, its not how most Indians have their food, not all the time anyway if you don't believe me try a few thali meals, they all come out of the same pot so you will be getting exactly what they are eating. True they are full of spice and flavor but not so hot they remove the lining of your intestine, often they come with a roasted or fried chili to crumble over your food, its a seasoning rather than an ingredient. As a guide remember "Ring of Fire" is a Johnny Cash song not a medical term. If, like me, you love chilli slowly increase your tolerance, doing Indian Spicy on day one will get you in the end, literally.

If i'm ill i'll just take Imodium and i'll be fine

No you won't, if you are unlucky enough to get full blown Mysore Arse rather than just a few loose stools Imodium won't even come close, if your kids get it especially if they are throwing up or irritable and lethargic seek medical help as they dehydrate fast. To re-hydrate the locals use rice water, the water the rice is boiled in, if i have no dioralyte, flat 7 up is a usable substitute. As you reintroduce solids plain grilled chicken and plain rice are a good starting point, drink plenty of water but avoid fruit juices and dairy.

Mmmmm pineapple

The fresh pineapple here is out of this world, sweet and like nothing you will eat in the UK. Enjoy it, BUT in moderation. Its like pouring petrol on a fire if you have a dicky tum, beware. 

Swimming in the pool is so much safer than the sea

True you are a bit less likely to drown but not all pools are as clean as they might look, beware of tummy upsets and ear infections. Ask how often and when the pool is cleaned, take a mo it watch and see if the water is tested and/or given a daily chlorine shock. If not... its up to you but you will be sharing the water with folk who haven't followed the above advice, particularly those cesspits of infection - Kids. (re; those prone to ear infections, two tips never share your ipod/phone earphones with anyone else and Speedo do swimming earplugs which are made from Microban, the antiseptic stuff you can get in some chopping boards, they seem to work for me. You can get them on Amazon).

I've got my factor 30 suntan lotion and am under my umbrella so i'm safe

NOOOOOOO!!!! its still 90+ F in the shade, you are dehydrating much faster than you think, especially if there is a breeze and you don't notice how much you are sweating. Drink (non-alcoholic, non fruit based stuff).

OK that's about it, the sun has come out and I'm off to the beach, sorry if this edition hasn't been as light hearted as others but  follow the above and you are much more likely to have an enjoyable time.


Saturday 16 November 2013

Sunsets & Surviving 93 F at 100% humidity

A Spiritual Sunset

Yesterday evening i enjoyed a magical moment, a spectacular sunset over the Indian ocean. Beautiful sunsets here are ten-a-penny as we face west and the sun sinks into the ocean. Last night it was different almost mystical. The light was a gentle salmon pink and just as it faded achieved a vivid quality which took my breath away. At the same time we were treated to a torrential localised downpour, each rain drop sparkled red and orange as it fell. Everyone stopped what they were doing and just watched as the setting sun's light was captured and fell to earth in a rain of fire. It couldn't have lasted for more than a few moments but in that time time itself seemed to stop. The intensity of the experience gradually faded and the moment was finally and somehow appropriately broken by the call to prayer from the mosque down on the beach.

The moment gone i poured myself another mango fizz (gin, fresh mango juice, soda over ice 2:1:3) and thought about our first month in India.

Living here is a strange mixture of the mystical and the madcap, the chaotic hustle and bustle of 1.5 billion people going about their daily lives, abject poverty literally living alongside massive wealth, slum shack next to multimillion dollar mansions built with the hard currency of India's technological miracle, the personal kindness we had been shown and the crushing cruelty of poverty we had seen, beggars and the mega-rich. Last night we all stopped to watch as nature put on a free show which outperformed any Diwali firework display. It was truly humbling.

I'm not a religious person or even a particularly spiritual one but here there is something intangible, something which seeps into the fabric of the place that's hard to describe and lends itself to thoughts of "something bigger". It goes beyond organised religion, though there are plenty of them to choose from here, and somehow touches my very essence of being.

Two more mango fizzes later I'm considering applying for the job of Pope.

Sleeping in 100% humidity

Last night it was no hotter than the night before, i.e. about 90+ F but it had rained just before bedtime. This was very bad news as the humidity soared to 100%. In real terms this feels like 120 degrees and is into sauna territory. Even the locals find this uncomfortable. I don't remember if i've already told you but we don't do air conditioning. If you are here for a couple of weeks fine, but if you are here longer air con will make you feel bloody awful. Longer term you never acclimatise to the heat, your body will continue to sweat at UK rates, you will dehydrate and have a cornflake filled nose and constant headache. So we don't and I'd advise you not to either but its your choice.

But there is a down side to non-A/C if it rains for just a few mins before bed its going to be a "sticky one". Last night was such a night. I must admit it wasn't helped by the mango fizz. So how to cope? Here are my tips, I have done all of them to various degrees of success, some are blindingly obvious others less so.

  • Don't go to bed if you aren't going to go to sleep - all you will do is make your bed sweaty, 
  • Have a cool shower - not a cold one it will make you feel worse, and if you only have an en-suite remember SHUT THE DOOR as it will supersaturate the air with even more water.
  • Rather than using a mossie plug in thingy get a net, that way you can have the windows open
  • if the room is tiled - try lying on the floor with a wet towel on you, as it drys it will cool you down.
  • If all else fails - get up, read, listen to music stay awake all night sitting under a fan then kip on the beach in the morning. (p.s. If you can, buy a battery powered fan on Amazon/eBay before you come out. Sods law states the thunderstorm which raised the humidity will also have killed the mains power, which also means if you have gone the A/C route and your hotel/lodging doesn't have a very big generator you will be feeling really rough and near hysterical).
  • If you are totally at your wits end call for a taxi and go for a night time drive with the windows open.
I went down the get up and read route.

By request the next blog will be about food, eating out and how to avoid Mysore Arse.

Thursday 14 November 2013

Passing more than time waiting for a telecom engineer and evoking Indian gods

We have finally got broadband and cable TV, in the apartment it was ordered on Saturday and i was promised faithfully that it would be in by Monday night. You'd think i'd know by now that time is variable here in fact it took 4 days. Here's how it went,

Saturday - signed papers, a very nice man from Asianet called Praveen came to explain the various packages, bandwidth, speed, allowances, cost, etc. His english was slightly better than my mayalam, I can say thank you, he could say hello and goodbye. Fortunately he had a leaflet where all the tech stuff was in English the rest in Malayam (except for the small print which was also in English - funny that, you'd think they don't want the local population to read that bit - surely not).

We got on like a house on fire, i showed him my laptop, chromebook, kindles, nexus, phones and iPod Touch and confirmed through the medium of indian contemporary dance they all would be able to log in to the wifi. I knew those hours spent watching Bollywood movies would finally pay off.

By means of a particularly enchanting series of hand gestures, head movements and nifty foot work I agreed to an unlimited 30 gb deal with the fastest speed they do (2 mbps) fast enough to stream Test Match Special ready for the Ashes.

I handed over the 3000 Rupees (£30), 1500 Rs for installation and the same for the first months line rental he in turn gave me his phone number in case of any problems. He assured me it would definitely be in by Monday.

Sunday - as expected, nothing happened, it just rained a lot.

Monday - Phone call to check when to expect the engineer, I was told after 2pm. so we went to the beach and returned for 1:30pm to be sure we wouldn't miss him. By 5 p.m. no one had arrived and a call confirmed they had had a problem at the exchange with the fibres and it would be after 10 a.m. in the morning.

Tuesday - by noon no one had arrived so I rang Praveen, they were coming after 2 pm - all was OK. At 4 p.m. Chris phoned to see if we had cable yet, I told him not as yet but Praveen had promised. Chris rang him and within 30 mins the cable guys arrived in the rain. Apparently my phone call and double pirouette hadn't done the trick earlier. We were then treated to a daring high wire act as the engineer balanced on the top of an aluminium ladder wedged into the back of his truck and connected a new cable to the splinter box which was hung 4 feet below the HT national grid power lines. Sarah wanted to take his photo but decided getting him to wave his soaking wet screwdriver over his head inches from certain death was probably not a good idea as it might delay the installation.

The engineer then informed us the modem/outer would be with us by 5:30 as it needed to come from Trivandrum so we sat down to wait for the next phase. By 8 p.m. we gave up.

Wednesday - I woke in serious pain, and i do mean serious, not only was I in pain but how was I going to communicate with Praveen, no way could I do that spin, tap, spin move required to tell him we still hadn't got our modem. It felt like someone had taken a machete and cut me in half from the bottom of my dangly bits to the middle of my back. This was worrying, much worse than Mysore Arse, I didn't know if I should or could stand, sit or lye down. It was 5:30 a.m. and no one to talk to for advice (OK i could have phoned home or AmEx but I wasn't thinking straight and I didn't want to let Sarah know just how much pain I was in) So i took two imodium, two paracetamol, two nurophen and drank a litre of water and curled up on the bed waiting to die. By 8:30 i was at my wits end went to the loo for a pee and PING!!! A small grape pip sized black object appeared in the loo. The pain instantaneously went, I had passed a small kidney stone. Ohhh joy!!! The relief was unbelievable, now there was absolutely no pain, it was as if someone had thrown the off switch in pain central it really was that fast most importantly I COULD DANCE AGAIN!!!!

This isn't the first time i've passed a kidney stone, but the first one for over 10 years, I'd completely forgotten about the fact that if i get modrately  dehydrated for a long period of time and live on lots of oxalate containing fruit and veg I'm prone to the damn things. Oh well if I needed an excuse to drink more here it was, sitting in the loo pan looking back at me.

I downed another liter of water and was back on the phone to Praveen, Anton Du Beck had nothing on me as i indicated my displeasure at having to stay in for yet another day waiting for the modem to arrive. I was told it would be here by 2 p.m. (dip, swoop, jazz-hands). By 3 p.m. I discovered Asianet had a Facebok page - I posted my dissatisfaction on their FB page with my phone, there for all the world to see, that would show them I wasn't to be messed with. 30 mins later there was a phone call to say the engineer would be with us in 30 mins, and he was and 15 mins later we had broadband, no TV as that needed another box from Trivandrum but now we had established I was a man prepared to use the world wide web to get what I wanted I knew they would deliver. I was dead chuffed, until 10 mins later Chris rang to say he had called them and threatened to cancel the contract if they didn't get their arses in gear, he had evoked a higher deity than the of of dance. He had explained to Asianet that I wanted to watch Sachin Tendulkar play in his final test and if they couldn't get things sorted before he went into bat at 11 a.m. on Thursday they could shove their modem and cable box up their collective arses. Now they understood the true urgency of the situation and my need for speed was fully understood. The sudden change had nothing to do with my withering wit on the internet but a fear of losing the contract and the reverence that is commanded by the little master, ST.

Thursday - gave key to Mumtaz, the lady who owns the apartment and lives downstairs and went to the beach.  On our return cable TV and broadband were both up and running and Mr T was 38 not out at the close of play. All was right with the world.

Today is Friday, breakfast, beach and hopefully watch one of the world's greatest batsmen get 100 in his final Test appearance.

p.s. I have now realized that though my interpretive dance moves were impressive they were of little use when conversing by phone.

Monday 11 November 2013

Four weeks in, Crows and EPCOT vs India

Four weeks in, Crows and EPCOT vs India

So we have been here for 4 weeks now and beginning to settle in nicely, the apartment is beginning to feel like home and though hasn’t as much space as the house had its in a much better place, 3 mins to the beach, not as busy, more Rock than Padstow (minus the Henrys).

We have spent the last week getting the essentials for Indian life, a tawa (a bit like a crepe pan) for making dosas and toast, a juicer/blender/wet’n’dry grinder for making masala pastes, a large kettle (the travel kettle just wasn’t up to the job), 25 litre mineral water bottles and dispenser, various spices and dhals, a supply of fresh yogurt (aka curd) and 5 hundred weight of fruit (various).

Sarah has just come in from a run to Samudra beach not far but in 90+ C heat “a bit taxing” she took the coastal path rather than running along the beach as the sand is soft and she thought it would be easier. Pity she forgot about the steps, she is now sitting on the bathroom floor with the shower on full blast, her running clothes are strong enough to make their own way to the washing basket.

We don’t have a washing machine here, we have a man who picks up the laundry, washes, irons and returns it. No doubt its been to some stream or other along the way and had the hell beaten out of it on a rock but it comes back clean and smelling nice. Talking of washing in streams we saw one of the strangest pieces of bird behavior last week. A local woman had just finished her weekly wash in the stream at the side of the road when out of nowhere a murder of crows and jackdaws appear filling the trees around her. As she packed up to go one by one the crows took it in turns to have a bath, splashing around in the soap suds, rinsing themselves off in the clean water then sitting in the trees, wings out stretched to dry off.  No wonder crows are known as feathered apes, they must have sussed the soap cleans their feathers and maybe acts as an anti-flea treatment too. It was comical watching them patiently queue up to take their turn. Does sir want the full wash, rinse and dry?

One of the best things about being here is the unexpected trivial things we observe, things the locals no longer see as they are so familiar to them. Everyday life has a new and vibrant colour to it here, familiar but alien it shocks, mystifies and delights in equal proportion. We love it.

I've been asked is how do you cope with the poverty, the squalor, the injustice? A friend once said to me “I don’t know how you do it, I couldn’t live there, seeing all those things… we prefer Florida”. To her it was as if I was talking about going to see a horror film. Her solution being if you don’t go and see it, it doesn’t exist for you, you have no emotional or personal responsibility for what you haven’t seen.

This is the difference between holidays and travelling or living in a country. Living here is not like a film, just another entertainment, packaged, sanitised and PG rated, its about being here, a HumanBEING not just searching for the next cling film wrapped thrill. I saw an apartment room advertised yesterday, below the name of the residence was the slogan “Our rooms are clean but not sterile” I think they were trying to say they had character rather than interesting diseases for you to enjoy, at least I hope so. But for me it summarised how some people travel in and through life, they want the glam and glitz but none of the reality, a clean but not sterile existence. I think of them as the EPCOT travellers, folk who want to see the world but want to do it in an afternoon, never be more than 500 meters from a clean toilet and be able to get fries with whatever they are eating.

 I’ve been to Epcot’s version of India, all maharajah’s palaces, elephants, Hindu gods and men in turbans. It’s about as real as Dick Van Dyke’s version of cockney. No beggars, no slums, no tuk-tuk death race (they really should have included it as a ride) no poverty, no real people, no real smiles, no wobbling of the head in resignation that what will happen will happen, no dirt, no plastic bags, no humanity.

The thing which defines India above all others is missing, the humanity of 1.5 billion people living together. (I doubt even using CGI Disney has the budget for that).

EPCOT may be a nice place to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there. Give me India, with its problems and joys every time.

Oh well the cable guy is due this morning, pity the electricity is still off from last night’s storm, time for breakfast.


Wednesday 6 November 2013

Location Location, Location - India Style

Morning all, its dawn 5: 57 a.m. here in India so 00:27 back in the UK. I’ve been up since 5 a.m. as usual woken by the call to prayer from the mosque on the beach.  The air though still is cool and fresh and coupled with a rather good cup of coffee sitting here on the balcony listening to the waves breaking on the beach it’s a good way to start the day.

So, when I last wrote we were “homeless” hardly on the streets though as we were staying in a rather nice room waiting for the Keralan government to stop fannying around and issue the licence for our home.  But after three weeks of living in a hotel we were getting cabin fever, there was no personal space and it was getting claustrophobic. Also if we held on any longer and the licences wasn’t granted it would have meant al the best reasonably priced places would have been snapped up by the incoming wave of Russians due to arrive over the next week or so. 

So that was that, time to look for another home in which to spend the winter, it was time to play the Indian version of “Location, location, location”. Chris and Ravi immediately leapt to our aid though Chris has too much hair to play the part of Phill and Ravi our faithful tuk-tuk driver wasn’t prepared to dress up as Kirstie (not for the money we were prepared to tip anyway).
In our Indian version of the show all houses are mystery houses and we had eight to see in a morning.

Essential Criteria in no particular order were:
·         Licenced
·         Light
·         Reasonably spacious
·         Nice area
·         2/3 bedrooms
·         No more expensive than the house we had hoped to rent
·         Cable TV/internet (3G internet access in Kovalam is good and relatively cheap but Skype and access to Test Match Special  tends to munch the GBs at an alarming rate)

Chris also added his own criteria of
·         relatively few mossies
·         not too far from either where he lives and/or works (so he could keep an eye on us).

Off we set bottle of water in hand, Sarah and I in Ravi’s tuk-tuk, Chris riding on ahead on his motorbike.

House 1

Good points – large second floor apartment, 3 beds magnificent view out over Kovalam beach, owner prepared to decorate the entire place that weekend,
Bad Points – over a massage parlour, constant smell of massage oils, no glass in windows, no mossie nets over windows. Only one bathroom but owner prepared to put one in in a spare room.

House 2 (behind House 1)

Good points – reasonable size, 2 beds, clean (no need to redecorate) small balcony on the side with views out over the beach.
Bad points – building work behind the house Digger in the back garden, noisy.

House 3 (about 2 km from the beach on a back street – very Indian neighbourhood)

Good points quite large former Ayevedic treatment centre 3 bed/treatment rooms complete with own massage/treatment table and oil drip tray.
Bad points – very dark

House 4 (near house 3)

Small Indian family home (think large garage plus shed) – met on doorstep by current resident in vest and pants, baby asleep suspended by bungee cord in a shopping bag hung from the ceiling. One bedroom, considered if we got a bigger shopping bag would it do for Thomas and Lauren? – Moved on.

House 5 (Penthouse in newish build overlooking Lighthouse beach)

Good points - Very un-Indian modern apartment, best views yet over lighthouse beach, large open plan lounge, glass conservatory/dining room mossie nets on all windows, luxury spacious living. 2 bedrooms, separate access to second bedroom from outside.
Bad points – the reason for the nets and glass conservatory, this was mossie central and Chris aka Phil decided we couldn’t afford it.

Houses 6,7,8 Apartment block 100 meters from house 5

Similar issues as house 5 and came with own pet cockroaches.

After much debate – i.e. as much debate as you can have in the time it takes to drink half a bottle of beer. We had two choices, house 1 or 2 , we had excluded houses 3 and 4 and Chris had decided 5,6,7 & 8 weren’t for us.

In the end we went for house #2 as predicted by Kirstie aka Ravi.

We moved in two days later and have been playing house ever since (good news re: building work, its a swimming pool being built for the new hotel and has a completion date of the 14th Nov. Sarah thinks we should be able to pay the hotel (i.e. bribe the staff) for access, so we have an apartment with a pool.

Well done Phil and Kirstie you’ve done it again!!!

And now…. Breakfast.
Kellogg’s Banana Cornflakes, fresh juice, toast & more coffee.


Monday 4 November 2013

Heathrow to Kovalam and our first weeks in India

From memory I think my last post was in the hotel room in Reading three weeks ago so I’ll pick up the story from there.

Reading to Heathrow

The taxi arrived on time and we lugged the cases down to the foyer, it was 8:30 a.m. and by now I was wide awake having been up since 2:30. I had popped out for breakfast in MacDonald’s at 4:30 with the last of the die hard clubbers while Sarah slept on. It was an experience to say the least but it passed an hour or so.
Now it was time to journey on and my main concern was were we going to be able to fit all our luggage and us into one taxi? Fortunately they had sent a large BMW estate so we were fine. Check-in was a breeze but we had 3 hours to kill before our flight time. We cleared security without too much phaffing about and so we were soon munching away on tikka and samosas in the Air India lounge. Next the mandatory duty free shopping 2 bottles of Bombay Blue Sapphire and two of Smirnoff Blue label (you are allowed 2 bottles of duty free each if you are flying to India),  the lady at the checkout looked at us with concern and tried to explain the “internal flight problem” we had previously encountered in April. We told her we had it sussed and packed all four bottles in a rucksack filled with towels.
In no time at all the three hours flew by, helped by the odd complementary V&T back in the lounge. What? Ok it may have only been 10:00 BST but I was already on Indian time and it was 14:30 there.
Once on the plane it was time for lunch/dinner, depending on which time zone you were in, and then a nap. I’ve given up trying to watch films on flights, I tend to fall asleep anyway and miss the ending.

Mumbai 2:30 A.M Indian time

We arrived at Bombay Mumbai (Airport identifier still  BOM) having had a good sleep and well fed ready for the excitement which is Indian Immigration, Baggage Handling, Transfer and Customs. This is a game everyone can play (in fact it’s mandatory if you want to get into India). If you have never tried it you have absolutely no idea or reference point to compare it with. Those of us that have, have a common bond, we approach it with a battle scared look in our eyes and a knowing nod to each other, it requires an inner calmness and at no point should you show fear or concern for those that fall by the wayside as there will be many. You know you have one mission and one mission only, to get to your final destination with as many of your traveling companions and/or bags as possible. Dare to dream of “All” but be prepared to settle for “most”.

Here are some tips to get you through –

  • ·         Pre Flight Packing – never put all your undies/pairs of shoes/tablets in one bag and always have a change of clothes in your hand luggage so when your case is lost you can at least survive for 24 hours (This is the time it takes for a new complete wardrobe to be made from scratch in India and any meds needed dispensed).
  • ·         Consider having your children(or elderly relative) micro chipped/attached to long dog walking leads/handcuffed to your luggage trolley – In Mumbai, the chances of keeping any family of greater than four together in baggage reclaim and transfer are slightly worse than keeping your luggage together.
  • ·         Karma and baggage reclaim – Those of you who got to the airport early to get the seats with extra leg room are now about to be paid back for your “comfortable” flight as your bags were first onto the plane, they will be last off, except for one bag which will somewhere in the middle to give you a false sense of hope then make you wonder where are the rest.
  • ·         If the unthinkable (inevitable) happens and you are left staring at an empty carousel long after everyone one else has gone to join the customs queue don’t panic. Walk up to the nearest baggage assistance kiosk, explain the circumstances, be prepared for much head wobbling, It may be some kind soul has unloaded  your bag and put it somewhere else if not – its only a bag and depending on your final destination may still get there before you do. (the same applies to children and relatives), above all BE NICE… you may be sleep deprived, frantic about what you have in your case and want to kick the nearest person but remember s/he has to work in this 8th level of Hell 6 days a week.


Airport security wanted to do the “you give me all your duty free routine” again but we are old hands at it now and just checked it into the hold. We both managed to sleep the two hour flight down to Trivandrum and arrived relatively awake and ready to go. In baggage reclaim all our bags had arrived and were on the trolley in under 10 mins of touch down – a new All India Record or us.

Unfortunately two other travelers weren't so lucky a mom and her daughter on their first trip to India stood looking more and more worried as the carousel of bags got smaller and smaller, emptied and stopped. None of their bags had made it from Mumbai and they were heading off to Vakulla for a two week holiday. All they had were the clothes they stood up in and a couple of Toblerones. All we could do was offer sympathy and point them towards the luggage desk. When last seen they were deep in conversation with an Air India official head wobbling set to maximum.

We loaded our trolley and moved outside the terminal where Chris one of our friends had agreed to pick us up. With a certain amount of pushing and judicious strapping on of cases on the roof he managed to fit us and our ridiculous amount of luggage into an on a medium sized hatchback. In India there is always enough room, I have regularly seen entire families, papa, mama, 10 year old child and baby in arms along with the weekly shopping on a scooter. Things you wouldn’t get into your people carrier are regularly moved by motorbike. It’s the norm here.

There is no experience like landing in India or the first drive from the airport, the transition from air conditioned aircraft and airport to the chaotic hustle and bustle of the roadside. We have been doing this for 7 years now and it still literally takes our breath away. Everything is turned up to 11, the bright colours, the smells, the noise, the number of people, the intensity that is India, cows alongside brand new 4x4 Landcruisers, the iconic white Austin Ambassador taxis and the yellow and black three wheeled tuk-tuks and the people. If at any point you are considering driving yourself while here I suggest you do the following:

  1. Buy a copy of the local paper
  2. Sit down with a coffee or chai and read it from cover to cover
  3. Count the number of roads deaths on that one day
  4. If you are still thinking of hiring a car – hail a tuk-tuk and ask him to drive you across the city at noon
  5. Realise just how stupid an idea that was then hire a cab for the day, it should cost you about a tenner.

It was during the drive from the airport Chris dropped a bombshell, we couldn't have our house. i.e. we were homeless. The local authorities in the part of Kovalam we had hoped to stay hadn’t got round to granting the licences for the owners to rent out their properties yet. We could store our cases, use the washing machine in fact do anything we liked there except sleep.
If we had never been here before this might have been “a tad worrying” but we knew the score after all it is why the wobble head was developed a practical and philosophical response to everyday life here. We dropped our bags at the house, headed to our favorite restaurant, had breakfast and within 20 mins had a clean, large hotel room with balcony, 100 meters from the sea, cost - £2.50 per person per night. We then set about the important job of “doing nothing while the papers were sorted”. This involved, sunbathing, swimming in the sea, rediscovering restaurants, catching up with friends, listening to old podcasts of the News Quiz, reading worthy and not so worthy novels i.e. we did the holiday stuff and acclimatized to the heat.

By the end of two weeks we had had enough of waiting and decided it was time to move on, as lovely as the old house was it was looking less and less likely we would be in it anytime soon so reluctantly we decided it was time to play “A House in the Country” and go and look for somewhere else. Chris came to our aid once again and off we went, but more of that next time.